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Help find a match for Lara

Lara is of Italian, Chinese and Thai heritage. But being mixed race means that finding a matching bone marrow donor is extremely difficult. Less than 3% of donors on the worldwide bone marrow donor registry are of mixed race… and only a small portion of them are a Asian-European like Lara.
You can make a difference by joining a bone marrow registry. It's as easy as spitting into a test tube or using a cheek swab. If you turn out to be a match for Lara or one of the 12,000 other people around the world in need, you could save a life!

Join your national bone marrow registry:

Each country has its own bone marrow donor registry but they're joined together to enable doctors for Lara and other Leukemia patients to search for potential matches around the world. Join the 25 million people around the world who have registered to give hope for the future to those with Leukemia.

United States

Anchor 1
 1) Register with Be the Match online             
You can register with the Be the Match registry online and get a test kit to do a simple cheek swab at home and mail it in.
 2) Attend a Be the Match drive in your area 
Be the Match runs bone marrow donor recruitment drives on a regular basis around the country. Find your nearest drive and you can join the registry.
Anchor 3

United Kingdom

1) Register with Anthony Nolan online         
You can register with the Anthony Nolan registry online and get a test kit to give a saliva sample at home and just mail it in.
 2) Attend an Anthony Nolan drive in your area 
Anthony Nolan runs bone marrow donor recruitment drives on a regular basis around the UK. Find your nearest drive and you can join the registry.
Anchor 2


 1) Register with One Match online                 
You can register with the Canadian One Match registry online and get a test kit to get a simple cheek swab at home and just mail it in.
 2) Find a clinic in your area                              
Anthony Nolan runs bone marrow donor recruitment drives on a regular basis around the UK. Find your nearest drive and you can join the registry.
Anchor 4


 1) Registro Donatori di Midollo Osteo         
You can register with the Registro Italiano Donatori di Midollo Osteo at one of their donation centers in your region.
Anchor 5


 1) Visit an ABMDR donor centre in your area   
You can register with the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry at a donor centre in your area.
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